Part of maintaining FDA compliance is ensuring that you’re taking all of the necessary precautions and steps to be compliant in the event of an FDA inspection. Where others have run into violation issues, you can avoid making these same mistakes by being aware of some of the most common violations and employing the steps so that it doesn’t happen to you.
One of the most common violations that you may be aware of is pest control. This happens when there is a failure to provide satisfactory screening and protection against the presence of pests. On that note, sanitation monitoring is another common violation where sanitation conditions and practices are not monitored to the level of frequency deemed sufficient.
Something that arguably goes hand in hand with sanitation monitoring in plant cleanliness. True to its name, this happens when the plant is incapable of adequate cleaning or it may also occur if the building or fixtures have not been properly maintained.
For those working with juice or seafood, HACCP violations are possible. The HACCP may not be on file, it may not have been implemented, or it may be incomplete.
UReg FDA Registrations is committed to assisting domestic and foreign clients in navigating and simplifying the often convoluted process of registering with the FDA. We have worked with an extensive array of clients across a broad spectrum of industries such as cosmetics, food and beverage, medical devices, and more through providing experienced, researched, and professional advice on FDA compliance and its multitude of legal regulations. For more information on FDA registration, please visit our website or call 786-504-6363.