FDA Registration

Ready to Register

Food & Beverage

Dietary Supplement

Medical Devices


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States oversees several other products outside what their name suggests for food and drugs. Cosmetics, dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies, medical equipment, laser devices, tobacco products, vaccines, blood and biologics, animal and veterinary foods, medications and supplements, and products that emit radiation are also regulated by the FDA.

Making sure they are correctly licensed and often identified with the FDA is one of the most basic criteria for selling FDA-regulated goods. The FDA needs food facilities to regularly update their registration and any medical equipment or drug facility must be licensed and recorded annually. It is a widespread misunderstanding that only filling out a few forms is both being registered and listed. For these submissions, the FDA employs online services. These structures entail enormous quantities of technical evaluation, and in order to approve requests, they also demand unique details or formats.

Requirements for which types of facilities must be recorded in the supply chain differ by product. What individual facility needs to be licensed may depend on your market arrangement or where the supply chain is based on your business. However, as a rule of thumb, for each FDA-regulated product, the manufacturer and seller must be licensed with the FDA and must, in certain cases, submit a list of each commodity.

About Us


UReg – FDA Registrations has over 15 years experience with FDA registrations. Lisa Capote and Andrina Capote launched this site after realizing there was a need for a simple, fast FDA registration process. Lisa and Andrina realized that there were a number of FDA registrations that were incorrectly done or not done at all because of the time and effort it took to manage. They decided they would create a website that would be user friendly and have quality checks done by experienced individuals. Individuals who could also spot other potential compliance issues, one that had gone undetected, sometimes for years.

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Contact our team today regarding your FDA registration needs and get a free consultation.